Browser is used to search within the data on archives kept in
Slovene regional archival institutions.
Browser enables a user to search by full text search, archive plan search,
field search or descriptor search. If the search produces many results (up to 3000) it can be limited in two ways:
by repeated search with more accurate (narrower) determination of search parameters or by transferring results
into working folders and by subsequent search within one or two working folders. Details concerning methods and execution of
individual search forms are available directly in a menu Help. Explanation of selected basic archival terms can be found in a special
A registered user is in position to partially modify
user interface (change of user password, adjustment of field search, number of results per page, etc.) and create one or more
working folders
On the basis of search results archives can be ordered in the reading room of the
chosen archival institution personally, by phone, telefax, e-mail or using a basket.
When placing an order via the Internet the requested data must be typed into electronic order form.
They are only used in processing the order and not for any other purpose. The reading room's employees of the chosen archival institution will
- in accordance to the rules governing the usage of the archives - confirm the receipt of the order and give you further instructions.
The number of results in the basket is limited to 100.
In spite of sistematic data collecting by archival institutions not all searches will have results.
It is because of the fact that the requested data are not yet a part of the electronic system or the data in electronic form are protected in
accordance with protection of personal or other sensitive data. The users are advised always to contact the chosen archival institution in order
to get more information. Contact information can be found in a drop down menu Contacts.
Due to the fact that browser SIRAnet does not enable users to search directly within the database of
The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, they are advised - when searching within public archives created by government authorities and
other entities under public law which are established by the state and operate nationwide - to click directly on browser of The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.
SIRAnet |
Mutual database SIRAnet has been built by Slovene regional archival institutions on the basis of
preserved archives and in accordance with legislation and international archival standards. Each archival institution transfers data
about the archives it keeps and they all together coordinate and supplement the normative database. It comprises geographical names,
mutual thesauruses, private persons, families and corporate bodies or associations.
Data collected in mutual database SIRAnet are directly connected to various Internet sources, such as:
COBISS.SI Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services,
GEOPEDIA – interactive atlas of Slovenia,
The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia...
System enables the user to connect to individual entries of the mutual database by entering the URL
address of the chosen entries into external informational system.
hyper link
produces a list of units of entry related to geographical descriptor »Maribor.«
Value of different descriptors can be combined with logical operators AND and OR.
produces a list of units of entry containing term Maribor in the title, content or in other fields accessible via the Internet.
Consortium SIRAnet
comprises all Slovene regional archival institutions, parts of Slovene public archival service:
Regional Archives Koper,
Regional Archives Maribor, Regional Archives Nova Gorica, Historical Archives Celje, Historical Archives Ljubljana and
Historical Archives Ptuj.
Consortium manages joint hard- and software needed for functioning of mutual database.
In accordance with Slovene legislation, international archival standards and following the current practice it determines and puts
into force rules governing the data collecting into mutual data base on archives, kept in Slovene archival institutions.
Data were produced in the course of work of various authorities and other entities under public law which are established by the state or
local authorities and functioned on the local level.
Clicking the link you open the list of selected archival informational systems, which enables the
web access to archives kept in archival institutions abroad. Additionally, there are available other informational sources , which can improve the
understanding of archives in Slovene regional archival institutions or the context of their content.